Whoopsies… Someone’s in trouble 😉
Again, huge thanks to Kino Jaggernov for the amazing background work 😀
Whoopsies… Someone’s in trouble 😉
Again, huge thanks to Kino Jaggernov for the amazing background work 😀
It may be small, but it’s a start. And the first step is the most important one.
Huge thanks to KinoJaggernov for the beautiful backgrounds!!!!!
GIGANTIC THANKS to KinoJaggernov for doing an AMAAAAAZING job on the background art!!!
Oh, poor Dea…
As overprotective as Alura can be, she does have a good reason
for wanting to watch over her little sister.
Not a fantastic day for the girls all around…
It’s been a while, so let’s recap.
Remember Shadow? Shade’s cat? -w-
Dea and Thusfar share a special connection.
Especially when Thusfar is in his dragon form and his emotions flood through their mind link,
Dea and Thusfar can feel each other’s pain.
Meaning… Yeah…
he battle is reaching its conclusion… Who shall win?
… Hard to say.
That cat… is no cat…
Hey everyone! I just wanted to say sorry for the late update.
It’s been a pretty draining couple of weeks, but I’m struggling to get back up to speed.
Starting with a new logo and new layout ^-^
The old format was pretty difficult to use and the resolution was bad,
but now it’s all crisp and clean and sexy 😀
The gauntlet’s been flung and smashed back down, straight through the concrete. And that blast of energy burned straight through metal, but not through him… Interesting…