Poor Fulv XD
This guy’s just messing with her now >w<
Poor Fulv XD
This guy’s just messing with her now >w<
She flailed so hard she broke space and reality and phased through her handcuffs for a few moments >.>
Wibbly wobbly timey wimey
Fulvus… Don’t… don’t lean over the table like that honey…
GOD! I never thought this would happen DX
So, long story short, my computer died so I ordered a new one, but the shippers completely destroyed it, so I’ve been fighting with them for the past 7 weeks trying to get the insurance money. They gave me 25% of what it was insured for, then denied the rest. So, I managed to scrape enough cash together to get my new rig working right. And thus, I have lots of drawings to submit now! 😀
Whoopsies… Someone’s in trouble 😉
Again, huge thanks to Kino Jaggernov for the amazing background work 😀
It may be small, but it’s a start. And the first step is the most important one.
Huge thanks to KinoJaggernov for the beautiful backgrounds!!!!!
GIGANTIC THANKS to KinoJaggernov for doing an AMAAAAAZING job on the background art!!!
Oh, poor Dea…
As overprotective as Alura can be, she does have a good reason
for wanting to watch over her little sister.
Not a fantastic day for the girls all around…
It’s been a while, so let’s recap.
Remember Shadow? Shade’s cat? -w-