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Whoopsies… Someone’s in trouble 😉 Again, huge thanks to Kino Jaggernov for the amazing background work 😀
Whoopsies… Someone’s in trouble 😉 Again, huge thanks to Kino Jaggernov for the amazing background work 😀
WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! AFTER 2 MONTHS!!! UPDATE! GOD! I never thought this would happen DX So, long story short, my computer died so I ordered a new one, but the shippers completely destroyed it, so I’ve been fighting with them for the past 7 weeks trying to get the insurance money. They gave me 25% of what… Continue reading Page 61
Fulvus… Don’t… don’t lean over the table like that honey… -.-
She flailed so hard she broke space and reality and phased through her handcuffs for a few moments >.> Wibbly wobbly timey wimey
Oooooog…My body @.@ Everything hurts… But the show must go on… Blegh……